Evolve - my plan for 2017

Evolve - my plan for 2017

New years plan: evolve
Today I was reflecting on the whole idea of New Years resolutions. I don't know why this year, it felt like one holiday after another and I'm the type that has a hard time getting over the fact that summer is over, it is hard for me to switch modes from Thanksgiving to Christmas and then to New Years. Especially New Years just felt like it just crept up on us, didn't it?
Anyways, so maybe I'm a new years resolution scrooge but I don't like to set myself up for failure. HOWEVER, I must say when it comes to business, it's a totally different thing! With business, I am so aware of how much I need to change how I do things in order to see results. I guess business and life can't always be separated out but when I think of how I will approach my business in the coming year, here are a few things that I must do in the coming year.
- not let things happen by chance: a lot of things that came about with my online store just happened. Not that I didn't do things to get those results but maybe they weren't measurable - things just happened and took shape over time for which I'm very thankful. But to make something viable in the long term, you can not rely on chance, you have to have a plan.
- keep a regular schedule for all the different platforms I'm on, focus on the more promising ones, and spend less time or be smarter about my time spent on ones that haven't paid out - for me, the regular schedule is a challenge. I like to work hard in batches and I am driven by inspiration. For example, as we speak I'm writing this by shirking something else I started to do because I just got inspired to start writing! It's good to seize the opportunity but if were to wait to be inspired to do everything I do, it would not be a good outcome. I hope to maintain more regular schedule for tasks so that they aren't as daunting.
- do not be afraid of something new or unknown - sometimes, it's fear that keeps us from moving in the right direction. Chip away at it in manageable chunks and embrace the unpredictability of the unknown. To add to that, get over my fear or checking on my progress. I like to set and forget sometimes and because of that I am not able to measure the success of an endeavor. But it is good sometimes to rip off the bandaid and assess the situation.
Anyways, to sum it up, it is really important to evolve by taking stock of what has worked and what has not and then to figure out how you can move in the right direction. If you don't evolve, you can't really improve and doing something that doesn't bring results is not really worth doing, right?
I guess this can be applied to our personal lives as well. Maybe if I was more goal oriented in my personal life, I'd also see it reflected in business. What do you think? Do you have New Years Resolutions and why?

Always A Parent is my blog about parenting, business, entrepreneurship, pregnancy, and motherhood. MULTIWEAR® is my product design business selling products for busy moms, nursing and breastfeeding moms as well as diaper bags and gym bags.

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