About Us
Inspired by our daily struggles
What do moms do?
Loaded question right? What DON'T we do? As experienced moms, we struggle with taking care of our children and our own needs, we go from needing to be business casual to nursing friendly, from provisioning for a day out at the park to taking the essentials on the train to work. How do you manage all the things you need to do and the various roles you play in life?
This is the inspiration for my designs, having worked in the athletic and fashion industry designing bags, shoes, and apparel, I found as I transitioned to being a mom, I lost a bit of my own identity. I found products were so baby centered, that they made me a little embarrassed to use them! They weren't made for ME in mind. I'm not JUST a mom - I also work, I workout, I do a ton of stuff throughout the day and what I was using wasn't fulfilling all of my needs so I began to design things to make my hectic life easier and that is how MULTIWEAR® started.
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