My third child had his first birthday some time ago and I’m just getting to post about it….#life
I have never done a smash cake before and have always tried to keep the kids from sugar for as long as possible especially as they establish their eating habits. I found that when my 2nd got into preschool, she had Halloween, Christmas, Valentines, and that was enough for her to get a deeply rooted sweet tooth. So I thought we would do a smash cake with watermelon instead of cake. This was mostly borrowed from the cakes I’ve seen for people who are on very restrictive diets who can not eat refined sugar or carbs. I have got to say, HE LOVED IT! And so did our guests. They tried it too! We also had regular cake because…well, what’s a birthday party without sponge cake?! But LO was just so happy to have something to celebrate with.
These are the ingredients needed:
Watermelon (small to medium size)
Whipped topping, any brand
Fruit garnish such as berries, kiwi
Almonds, optional
Here are the simple steps.
- Cut off the top of the watermelon where the stem comes out.
- Cut a large thick slice from the top
- Cut two more large slices
- Cut off the rind
- Once you've cut off the rind, use your knife to cut a circle cylinder shape from the thick slice
Progress shot:
8. Once you have your three slices, you can arrange them in a tier like a cake. Try to make sure the cuts are horizontal because the tiers may slide if not. I put a little wedge under the bottom because my bottom slice was not horizontal.
9. Then I used a silicone spatula to apply the whipped topping to the each slice. I then tried to create a texture by pulling away from the cake. The topping wanted to stick to the spatula so it was a bit of a challenge to get full coverage on the cake. Because I put topping on each slice, I had a slippery issue and I'm not sure if putting watermelon slices all together would have changed that. But I also think it may have been challenging to keep the frosting to adhere to the little nooks and crannys.
10. Once the whipped topping was applied, I placed some slices of my son's favorite fruits as well as some almond slivers to the topping. In person it looked more impressive but the most important thing was that he loved it! We gave him the top slice and let others sample the bottom slices. Everyone really liked it! It's a great palette cleanser for birthday cake time.
Hope you had a good time reading! Leave any comments and suggestions you might have!
1 comment
Can this be made over night?