
Prepping and recovering from pregnancy and labor

Prepping and recovering from pregnancy and labor

New moms are often confused, scared, and just don't know what to make of the state of affairs under the belt when they go into labor. You hear horror stories...

Prepping and recovering from pregnancy and labor

New moms are often confused, scared, and just don't know what to make of the state of affairs under the belt when they go into labor. You hear horror stories...

If I can be a WAHM, should I?

If I can be a WAHM, should I?

I've had the opportunity to be a WAHM (a work at home mom) and I've also seen all three of my kids go to a day care as infants. I've...


If I can be a WAHM, should I?

I've had the opportunity to be a WAHM (a work at home mom) and I've also seen all three of my kids go to a day care as infants. I've...

Postpartum Hair Loss

Postpartum Hair Loss

So, everyone, I'm in the throes of this problem right now. 4 mos postpartum and my hair.....shedding everywhere. In all of baby's cracks, in my bra, on my arms, in...


Postpartum Hair Loss

So, everyone, I'm in the throes of this problem right now. 4 mos postpartum and my hair.....shedding everywhere. In all of baby's cracks, in my bra, on my arms, in...

Cardimom® featured in Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine Registry Guide!

Cardimom® featured in Pregnancy & Newborn Magaz...

The Cardimom® was featured in PN Magazine - check out our store to snag yours! "Don't sweat it, sweater it. Pull the front portion of this swing sweater behind your...

Cardimom® featured in Pregnancy & Newborn Magaz...

The Cardimom® was featured in PN Magazine - check out our store to snag yours! "Don't sweat it, sweater it. Pull the front portion of this swing sweater behind your...

I'm officially in love for the 4th time

I'm officially in love for the 4th time

Hello, been off having a baby and am amazed at how much can change in a span of a week. From ambling along with a too big belly ready to...


I'm officially in love for the 4th time

Hello, been off having a baby and am amazed at how much can change in a span of a week. From ambling along with a too big belly ready to...

The belly hold: why do we do it?

The belly hold: why do we do it?

Does anyone know why moms pose in photos with their hands like that? I just posed for pics like that too, so guilty as charged!  Can you imagine, if you...


The belly hold: why do we do it?

Does anyone know why moms pose in photos with their hands like that? I just posed for pics like that too, so guilty as charged!  Can you imagine, if you...